Best Case/Worst Case: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial of
Scenario Planning for Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease

NIH 1R01AG065365-01 (PI: Schwarze) 6/1/20 – 3/31/25

This multi-site cluster randomized controlled trial will compare the effect of scenario planning to usual care for decisions about dialysis on receipt of palliative care and treatment intensity at the end of life for patients with life-limiting kidney disease.

Characterization and Identification of Markers of Clinical Momentum
in the Care of Older Adults with Advanced Dementia

NIH 1R21AG068720-01 (PI: Schwarze) 9/30/20- 5/31/2022

This exploratory mixed-methods study focuses on decisions to insert feeding tubes in patients with advanced dementia using clinician interviews and the electronic health record to evaluate our model of clinical momentum.

What We Talk about When We Talk about Surgery:
Redesigning the Conceptual Framework for Preoperative Communication about Surgical Intervention

Making a Difference in Real World Ethical Problems

Greenwall Foundation: (PI: Schwarze) 4/1/19-3/31/22

This project aims to use an empirical analysis of the current content of preoperative communication to develop a novel framework for surgeon-patient communication to better support patient autonomy in decision making.

Promoting resilience in children:
Protocol Development for a Birth Cohort Study to
Access Factors Impacting Neurodevelopment

NIH R34 DA050263-01 (PI: Ossorio) 9/30/19 – 3/31/21

This project will help to plan a longitudinal study in which pregnant women will be recruited and their children’s development studied, by imaging and other means. The study team requires legal and bioethical advice to support participation of vulnerable populations in research.

A Communication Tool to Assist Severely Injured Older Adults

NIH 1R21AG055876-01 (PI: Schwarze) 4/1/2017-3/31/19 (NCE 3/31/21)

This award will produce a decision-making intervention for use in the trauma setting, knowledge about the effect of the intervention on communication, and preliminary data for a future large-scale efficacy study.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Communication Tool to
Improve Access to Palliative Care for Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

NIH 1R56AG060991-01 (PI: Schwarze) 5/1/19-4/30/20 (NCE 4/1/20)

This is a feasibility study to evaluate and develop procedures for a future randomized clinical trial.


The Patient Preferences Project | K6100, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin
© 2020 | Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System